WR2020 01: 01-15 WR 202001
Contents:download1. JIAN WEN, ZHAOXI LI, JIANG XIAO:Noise removal in tree radar b-scan images based on shearlet. 01doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0010122. DUŠAN JOKANOVIĆ, DRAGICA VILOTIĆ, VESNA NIKOLIĆ JOKANOVIĆ, SARA LUKIĆ, TATJANA ĆIRKOVIĆ-MITROVIĆ:Site influence on anatomical structure of bald cypress. 13doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0130243. JURAJ GIGAC, MÁRIA FIŠEROVÁ, MAROŠ KOVÁČ, MONIKA STANKOVSKÁ:Paper substrates for inkjet printing of uhf rfid antennas. 25doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0250364. WEI YAN, WANSI FU, BIN ZHANG, JIANBO ZHOU:Hygrothermal effect on axial compressive properties of bionic bamboo element. 37doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0370505. PETAR ANTOV, VIKTOR SAVOV, NIKOLAY NEYKOV:Sustainable bio-based adhesives for eco-friendly wood composites. A review. 51doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0510626. ZEHUI JU, QIAN HE, TIANYI ZHAN, HAIYANG ZHANG, LU HONG, XIAONING LU:Calculation of sound insulation of softwood samples at normal incidence and comparison with experimental data. 63doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0630747. MARCIN JAKUBOWSKI, ARKADIUSZ TOMCZAK, TOMASZ JELONEK, WITOLD GRZYWIŃSKI:Variations of wood properties of birch (Betula pendula Roth) from a 23-year old seed orchard. 75doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0750868. CAGLAR ALTAY, ERGUN BAYSAL, HILMI TOKER, TURKAY TURKOGLU, MUSTAFA KUCUKTUVEK, AHMET GUNDUZ, HUSEYIN PEKER:Effects of natural weathering on surface characteristics of scots pine impregnated with wolmanit CX-8 and varnished. 87doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.0871009. KRISZTIÁN ANDOR, BERTALAN BELLOVICS:Analysis of modulus of elasticity of spruce beams under bending with and without fibre reinforcement. 101doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.10111010. TOMASZ BIADAŁA, RAFAŁ CZARNECKI, DOROTA DUKARSKA:Water resistant plywood of increased elasticity produced from European wood species. 111doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.11112411. SHUPIN LUO, LI GAO, WENJING GUO:Effect of face layer manipulation on the density profile and properties of low density particleboard. 125doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.12513412. MIROSLAV HÁJEK, PAVLA VRABCOVÁ:Consideration of forest ecosystem services in environmental management accounting. 135doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.13514813. CANDAN KUS SAHIN, BUSRA ONAY:Alternative wood species for playgrounds wood from fruit trees. 149doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.14916014. ZHONGHUA ZHAGN, BOMING XU:Tang dynasty chair feature design based on Kansei evaluation and eye tracking system. 161doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.16117415. ANDERSON RENATO VOBORNIK WOLENSKI, RODRIGO GUERRA PEIXOTO, VERONIKA FEDOTOVA, ANDRÉ LUÍS CHRISTOFORO, FRANCISCO ANTONIO ROCCO LAHR:Short note: Shear strength estimation model for tropical wood species. 175doi.org/10.37763/wr.1336-4561/65.1.175182 |