Prediction of bending properties for some softwood species grown in Turkey using ultrasound

Ultrasound has been used in prediction of bending properties for some important wood species grown in Turkey including Calabrian pine, Anatolian black pine, Cedar and Oriental Spruce. Sound velocities of small clear wood specimens were determined using EPOCH 650 ultrasonic flaw detector with 2.25 MHz contact longitudinal transducers at constant moisture content. Following non-destructive measurements, specimens were subjected to three point bending tests. The measured average sound velocities for species tested in L directions were ranged from 4510 to 5254 m∙s-1. Although spruce had the lowest density (425 kg∙m-3), it had the highest sound velocity. The predicted average dynamic modulus of elasticity (Edyn) values for the species tested varied from 10137 to 12856 N∙mm-2. The correlation coefficients between Edyn values and MOE values were higher than those between Edyn and MOR. Edyn values are higher than calculated MOE values. The correlation coefficient between predicted Edyn and calculated MOE values ranged from 0.81 to 0.89. The correlation coefficient between Edyn and MOR varied from 0.78 to 0.88 for the species tested. Results indicated that there was no certain relationship between the density and wave velocity except Calabrian pine which showed negative weak correlation. MOE is better indicator of MOR than Edyn as expected.

Some orthotropic elastic properties of Fagus orientalis as influenced by moisture content

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of moisture content on some orthotropic elastic properties of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis). The elastic properties investigated include EL, ER, ET, νLR, νLT, νRL, νRT, νTL and νTR under compression. Compression strength in all orthotropic directions was also studied. Specimens were cut from sapwood of beech logs and sorted into four matched MC groups. Clear wood samples were conditioned at 20°C and 50, 65, 85, 95 % RH and subjected to compression tests. A digital image correlation technique was used to capture the strains during testing. Young modulus, Poisson ratios, and compression strength were calculated and compared for all orthotropic directions. Results indicated that Young modulus and compression strength of the samples tested were strongly affected by moisture content. Poisson rations seem to less sensitive to the MC changes.

Moisture dependent elastic constants of particleboard layers by ultrasound and compression tests

Elastic constants of particleboard layers were investigated using by means of ultrasonic waves and compression tests under different humidity regimes. Three Young’s modulus, three shear modulus and six Poisson ratios were determined. Three longitudinal and six shear wave velocities propagating along the principal axes of anisotropy, and additionally, three quasi-shear wave velocities at 45° angle with respect to the main axes of anisotropy were measured. Compression tests were also conducted in order to measure the accuracy of ultrasonic method. Comparing with calculated values, the predicted Young’s modulus values in the principle directions are acceptable. The shear values calculated using ultrasonic method are higher than those determined from compression tests, particularly in the perpendicular directions. Some of the Poisson’s ratios predicted by ultrasound seem to be extreme. The influence of moisture content on Poisson’s ratios is variable. It can be concluded that ultrasonic method can be used as alternative in determination of elastic modulus for particleboard layers at different moisture conditions. The accuracy of ultrasound for determining the Poisson’s ratios of particleboard layers is questionable.