Enzymatic hydrolysis of extruded wheat straw with addition of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide

Extrusion pretreatment of wheat straw in a single screw extruder was investigated in terms of effectiveness of enzymatic hydrolysis and the formation of fermentation inhibitors. The effect of sodium hydroxide in extrusion pretreatment was compared with calcium hydroxide. The accessibility of wheat straw structure to hydrolytic enzymes increased with NaOH and Ca(OH)2 loadings, whereby more with the addition of NaOH. With 6% w/w of NaOH loading, the conversion of polysaccharides was 76.1% and with the same Ca(OH)2 loading it was 47.3%. The conversion of polysaccharides with 12% w/w of Ca(OH)2 loading was 66.6%. Without alkali in extrusion pretreatment, the conversion of polysaccharides was only 36.7%. The polysaccharides conversion of original extruded wheat straw was about 1.5 to 3.3% higher in comparison to washed extruded wheat straw. Fermentation inhibitors such as lignin, acetic and formic acid are primarily formed in the presence of alkali during extrusion pretreatment, most of which was lignin. Alkaline extrusion is a suitable method for pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass.