Cork from Quercus suber L.: Forest certification system for sustainable management of cork oak forests
Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.), it is a secondary protection structure of tree, and its chemical composition is different from that of other lignocellulosic materials, as wood, agricultural, or forestry wastes. The best cork sheets are used to manufacture natural cork stoppers, vital in the aging process of “great” wines. It is a Mediterranean species covering an overall area of 2,139,942 hectares; Portugal and Spain countries where it occupies a larger area.
This paper was developed to assess the possibility of implementing a system of payment for ecosystem services and/or a certification of forest management for small stands of cork oak privately owned areas of less than 25 hectares. The process is leaded by the Regional Groups of Forest Certification and Chain of Custody, main regional institutions. The system used is the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). As specified by the multifunctional forestry applied in these ecosystems, its main use is the production of natural cork stoppers for the quality aging wines. The cork oak forests are living representatives of sustainability and a driving force of sustainable development.