Nail metal connector plate – load-bearing capacity of connector in function of nail-to-plate connection rigidity
This paper deals with the results of experimental determination of load-bearing capacity of structural timber connections realized by nail metal connector plates, in the function of nail to steel plate connection rigidity. In the first group of test samples, the nails are embedded in pre-drilled holes in the steel plate. In the second group, the nails are embedded in pre-drilled holes and then the head of nail is welded to steel plate by its circumference. The main originality of the study is reflected in the achievement of rigidity of the connection of nails and the sleet plate, that is, in provision of rotation resistance, which leads to the plastic hinge formation at the surface of the steel plate, and thus to the increase of connection ductility. The study showed to what extent the degree of nail-to-plate connection rigidity affects the load-bearing capacity of structural timber member connections. Experimental testing was conducted in accordance with the provisions of Eurocode 5.