Biosocial diversity of scots pine (pinus sylvestris l.) in a tree stand in relation to chosen hydraulic conductivity indicators of the stem
The research focused in determining the lignification indicator of fresh needled springs and the mass of fresh needles in reference to the lignin content in tracheid walls of peripheral area of the stem (MFT/LC and MFN/LC) of Scots pine differentiated as far as its biosocial position within the community expressed by Kraft’s classification. The material for the analysis came from mature pine stands growing on North European Plain, on the territory of Poland. Chemical and structural analyses of wood encompassed the area of mature sapwood, i.e. thickness of the last 10 annual rings located at 1.3 m (DBH). It seems that the noticed differences values of both indicators (MFT/LC and MFN/LC) in pines belonging to the first three Kraft’s biological classes are connected with physiological, physical and structural conditionings of water transport with minerals in xylem and are closely connected with competition for sunlight, water, nutrients and living space.